Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Looking in the Sky Again

The countdown is on . . . less than 1 week before school starts back. Unbelievable! Farewell summer vacation!

So, last night, at about 8:40 or so, David pipes up and says "we've got 4 minutes." I'm like "what? Four minutes till what?" Here I am, already showered and in my jamas, but we all head out to the patio to see the space shuttle and the international space station. We actually did see it - it lasted barely a minute at the most. Just right across the sky - one in front of the other. At least we were out gazing at the sky at a reasonable hour this time.


Danielle Flanders said...

Cute pictures! Great for scrapping!
Mine goes back to school in 2 weeks..I'm excited. ha

JoEllyn said...

Cute pics!!! We missed the space station when it went by our house...stood outside for an hour...

Debbie G said...

Great pictures and like Danielle said, these would be perfect for scrapping!!

Kelly C said...

Look at them!! I bet ya'll had a fun day! Enjoy the last weekend!